If you want to build a powerful fully brushless motor and controller, this article is for you. I will use an old bike dynamo to build this motor.
I found that a BLDC motor can be made with an old bike dynamo. And I will share with you, what problems I faced while building this motor. So let’s make a brushless motor.

Which Dynamo Should Use?
Here I am using a (Yamaha FZ) dynamo. When taking a dynamo one should see if the dynamo has 12 cores. We all know that a BLDC motor consists of 12 So I’m going to choose the dynamo that has 12 cores here.
And with that, we’ll see if there are 12 magnets on the flywheel. And yes, you should also take care that the dynamic choice you are making should be light.

How to make coil winding?
Now let’s do the winding, I will tell you about the type of wire I have used here. Here I am using 0.4mm wire. (0.4mm) Using 10 wires together, I would put 18 turns counterclockwise on the first pole.
Now I will make 18 turns clockwise on the second pole. Now I will give 18 turns counterclockwise on the third pole. And in the fourth pole clockwise, 18 turns will be given. Winding 12 poles in the same way.
Our winding is done, now we haven’t looked at the wire connections.

How do you connect wire?
An important part of the bldc motor.
I will separate the 10 wires that I used into 5 by 5, and I will mark them. I will show you the connections I have made through photos because it is not possible to write here.

Guys you must have understood how I made these wiring connections. So our whole motor is done now we will create a controller to run it.
Before you guys build the controller, let me say that I’m going to set this pea between a couple of noses and a tin so that the pea doesn’t come off when I rotate it.
Guys you must have understood how I made these wiring connections. So our whole motor is done now we will create a controller to run it.
How to Build Bldc Motor Controller
Hi, our motor is ready, now we need a controller to rotate this motor, so we are thinking of making it. Let’s make a BLDC motor controller.
Here is the list of parts needed to make this controller.
- good heat sink (1)
- Irfz44n Mosfet (4)
- 276 hall sensor (1)
- 100k resistance (4)
- 100 Ohm resistance (4)
- 7809 voltage regulator IC (1)
- capacitor 1000uf 63v + 220uf 25v (1)
First I’ll take a good heatsink and put the MOSFETs into that heatsink. Now I will take 4 100k and set each to the gate pin of the musket. Again I would take 4 100 ohm and set each to the gate pin of the musket.
I will take the hall sensor. I will connect two signal pins of the hall sensor to four pins of 100 ohms. And I’m going to connect 4 resistors and connect them to the positive voltage.
And here I am using 7809 IC. You know very well that why I am using this is that I am using it here to give voltage to the Hall sensor and the input voltage of the motor will be 24 volts.
I will show you the rest of the collection through circuits and you will learn by watching.

Let’s Know About the Sensor.
Hi, I have used the Hall sensor here. If you open any cpu fan you will see this hall sensor inside.
hi, here you have to be careful if the hall sensor you use is number 277 or 276 but it will be very good.
Hi, one more important thing is when you put this hall sensor in the motor always put it in the middle of the cores then the motor will spin very well.
And in this motor, you can give 12 volts to 36 volts.

The circuit you see is the circuit I ordered from JLCPCB. JLCPCB makes a very good PCB. I will provide the GERBER FILE of this circuit if you want you can order from Jlcpcb get the PCB, and start your motor. So let’s order the PCB today.
- JLCPCB website Link: click here
- Gerber file download: Click Here
I Made a Brushless Motor and Controller With Bike Dynamo
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